Surge Mac Release Note

Version 2.6.5

  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.6.4

  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.6.3

Version 2.6.2

  • Fixed an issue that the UDP mode with AEAD ciphers doesn't work.
  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.6.1

  • Surge now allows expired DNS answers for performance reasons. See 'Optimistic DNS' section in for more information.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Fixed an issue that UDP traffics are not included in the real-time speed.
  • Supports hardware acceleration for AES-GCM encryption.
  • Supports NAT64 in a pure IPv6 network. (Previous versions already supported DNS64)

Version 2.6.0

  • Supports using Surge Mac as a gateway.
  • A new setup guide view.
  • A new config panel for traffic capture options.
  • Fixed an issue which Dashboard may disconnect unexpectedly under huge pressure.
  • The status bar icon will be red while traffic capture is enabled.
  • Improved TUN interface performance.
  • Enabling TCP Fast Open in macOS 10.14.

Version 2.5.3

  • Supports UDP relay for shadowsocks protocol. A brief introduction in Chinese:
  • You may use Dashboard to view UDP conversations.
  • Dashboard now can save multiple remote machine profiles.
  • Improved the JSON viewer in Dashboard.
  • Added an UI switch for the dns-failed option in FINAL rule.
  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.5.2

  • You may toggle the hidden state of columns in Dashboard now.
  • Supports to export selected rows to csv file.
  • Added a connection duration column in Dashboard.
  • Supports obfs-uri parameter.
  • Improved the benchmark view.
  • Fixed a serious bug in the SOCKS5 proxy implementation.
  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.5.1

  • The MitM enabling switch has been moved to the main menu and isolated from profile.
  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.5.0

  • Added Outbound Mode options: Direct Outbound, Global Proxy and By Rule.
  • Added options for all policy to specify outgoing interface: 'interface' and 'allow-other-interface'.
  • Added all_proxy environment variable for 'Copy Shell Export Command'
  • Supports client-side SSL/TLS certificate validation for HTTPS and SOCKS5-TLS proxy. A config example is here: (DO NOT support editing with UI in this version.)
  • Refined MitM.
  • Concurrently setup connection to host with Round-robin DNS to boost performance.
  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.4.6

  • Supports xchacha20-ietf-poly1305.
  • Bug fixes.
  • HTTP request header and response header can be extracted from TCP connection now. (SOCKS5 and TUN)
  • Enhanced mode can handle all connections now, even for connections initialized with IP address directly.
  • Surge TUN now supports forwarding ICMP packets.

From this version, the minimum system version requirement was raised to macOS 10.11. If you are still using macOS 10.10, please use version 2.4.5.

Version 2.4.5

  • Bug fixes.
  • Improved performance for high concurrency.
  • TCP fast open has been disabled temporarily since there is a serious problem in macOS/iOS kernel.
  • Dashboard will display decoded URL query now.

Version 2.4.4

  • Supports obfs=tls for shadowsocks protocol.
  • Refined the proxy edit panel.
  • Added Simplified Chinese language.

Version 2.4.3

  • Supports obfs=tls for shadowsocks protocol.
  • Refined the proxy edit panel.
  • Added Simplified Chinese language.

Version 2.4.2

  • Fixed an issue that enhanced mode may not be closed properly when switching to a profile without dns-server.
  • Fixed an issue that managed profile updating and license info are unavailable while enhanced mode enabled.
  • When the necessary port is used by another process, the error alert will show which process is using the port.
  • Fixed an issue that map local items can't be edited with UI.
  • Fixed an issue that system proxy settings may not be reset properly.
  • Auto URL test group will execute a retest immediately after the selected policy has failed.

Version 2.4.1

  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.4.0

  • Supports enterprise license and profile management.
  • Fixed a bug that some fields are unavailable in the configuration panel in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug that the FINAL rule can't be edited.
  • Fixed a bug that you may not be able to use custom storage path for profiles.
  • The interface related options are no longer controlled by profile. Sorry for the repetitive changes.
  • You may use $1, $2 to use the matched string in the value while using header rewrite.
  • Added an option for HTTP/HTTPS proxy: always-use-connect. When it is true, Surge will use CONNECT method for plain HTTP requests.

Version 2.3.2

  • Added a option to control whether show proxy error notification.
  • Fixed a problem that Dashboard show data doesn't exist error.

Version 2.3.1

  • Added a wizard to install CA’s root certificate for iOS simulator.
  • Connectivity quality is now an option. (Not show by default)
  • Line comments in [Rule] section in profile file is now presented in UI.
  • You may add proxy rule with Dashboard by right-clicking the request or process.
  • Dashboard will always open a new window for local machine, instead of asking. You may use "File" menu to connect to a remote machine.
  • Added a patch mechanism for adjusting settings for managed config. See manual for more information:

Version 2.3.0

  • Completely redesign the configure interface. You may configure every function with UI now.
  • Proxy benchmark is now moved to main application from Dashboard.
  • New feature: Header rewrite. See manual for more information:
  • You may switch profile with command line now: surge-cli switch-profile profilename.

Version 2.2.4

  • Notifications presented by Surge will be removed from Notification Center automatically.
  • The interval of attempts to refresh managed config changes to one hour from one minute. (After config expired)
  • Supports new encryption methods for shadowsocks-libev 3.0.
  • Optimized Dashboard performance.
  • Supports TCP Fast Open for shadowsocks proxy. You need add "tfo=true" flag in [Proxy] section to enable the feature. You may use benchmark to confirm TFO is working.
  • You can sort benchmark results now.
  • You may choose to reload config after managed config updated.

Version 2.2.2

  • Fixed a bug when using SOCKS5 without authorization.

Version 2.2.1

  • You may use Dashboard to benchmark proxies now.
  • Fixed "Too many open files" error by raising limit to 2048.
  • Fixed a bug in SOCKS5 with authorization.
  • Fixed a bug that managed config may refresh continuously.

Version 2.2.0

  • Map local function is now available.
  • Adds notifications when proxy encounters errors.
  • Network changed notification will show service name instead of BSD name now.
  • Fixed a bug that Dashboard may show the incorrect state of body dump.
  • Changes for HTTPS and SOCK5-TLS proxy:
    • Option 'skip-common-name-verify' is deprecated.
    • Add a new option 'skip-cert-verify' to skip certificate verify completely.
    • Add a new option 'sni' to customize SNI field while handshaking. You may use 'sni=off' to disable SNI.
  • New rule type: PROCESS-NAME, USER-AGENT and URL-REGEX.
  • You can use simple wildcard matching (? and *) for PROCESS-NAME rule, local DNS mapping and MitM hosts.
  • Dashboard supports display POST form data in a table view.
  • You may let Surge reload config by sending SIGHUP. You can use command 'killall -HUP Surge' or 'surge-cli reload'.
  • Managed configuration is supported now.
  • Add a new option 'skip-server-cert-verify' for MitM.

Version 2.1.4

  • Fixed a bug that helper may crash on macOS 10.10.
  • Add a option to remove Surge helper for troubleshooting.
  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.1.3

  • Fixed a bug that helper may crash on macOS 10.10.
  • Add a option to remove Surge helper for troubleshooting.
  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.1.2

  • New option: Collapse policy group items in menu
  • Fixed a bug that enhanced mode DNS settings may not be reverted.
  • Hold option key to click 'Copy Shell Export Command' to get a command with primary interface IP instead of
  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.1.0

  • New feature: Enhanced Mode

    Some applications may not obey the system proxy settings. Using enhanced mode can make all applications handled by Surge.

  • New rule type: IP-CIDR6

    Example: IP-CIDR6,2005::/16,DIRECT,no-resolve

  • The /etc/hosts file will be reloaded automatically if it has changes.

Version 2.0.13

  • Dashboard supports to use ⌘ + 1,2,3,4 to switch panel.
  • Dashboard Supports handoff with Surge iOS.
  • Fixed a bug that Dashboard may show incorrect process name.

Version 2.0.12

  • Bug fixes.
  • Supported SNI while performing MitM.
  • The original certificate will be resigned and used while performing MitM, instead of generating a new certificate.

Version 2.0.11

  • Rule test cache will be flushed after network switching now.
  • Added a option 'Grey icon if set as system proxy is disabled'.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Version 2.0.10

  • Surge talks to HTTP proxies with a plain HTTP method for non-HTTPS requests now, instead of CONNECT.
  • Improved compatibility with some HTTP server.
  • Improved compatibility with some DNS server.

Version 2.0.9

  • Dashborad: The height of the detail panel will not change now while switching pages.
  • A notification will show when proxy client access from other machine.
  • Used SF Mono as monospaced font for header and body data display.
  • Supported TCP half-open mechanism.

Version 2.0.8

  • Add a new option 'exclude-simple-hostnames' in the gereral section.
  • Dashborad: Selected row will not be lost while the filter or sort column changed.
  • Dashborad: Fixes some issues in the active panel.

Version 2.0.5

  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.0.3

  • New feature: Show connectivity quality in menu.

    Surge will send a DNS question to all DNS servers concurrently to test physical network connectivity while opening the menu.

  • Fixes a problem that Surge may freeze while opening the menu.

  • Fixes a problem that if a policy group contains duplicate policies, Surge may crash.

Version 2.0.2

  • Dashboard will no longer display process icon in remote mode.
  • Fixes a bug: "Set as System Proxy" option does not work properly if only SOCKS service is enabled.
  • Fixes a bug: Dashboard can't add a rule with no-resolve option on and comment not empty.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.0.1

  • Bug fixes

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